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A Board of Directors, which consists of not more than fifteen (15) Directors, administers the business and affairs of each Samity. No person can become or remain a Director unless he/she first becomes a bonafide member of the Samity. The Samity Board exercises all powers of the Samity except the Bye-Laws and the Electricity Act, 1910, with all amendments thereto or the PBS Bye-Laws, conferred or vested to the members of the Samity or reserved by the Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board. The power of the Samity Board is exercised only through proposals and decisions taken during a regularly or specially called and legally held meeting of the Samity Board, with such proposals and decisions recorded in the official minutes of the Samity Board Meetings. Authority of each individual member of a Samity Board may be exercised only as a participant during a regularly or specially called and legally held meeting of the Samity Board. No individual member of a Samity Board or a group of individual members of a Samity Board shall attempt to guide, direct, influence, or interfere whatsoever in the day-to-day management and/or operations of a Samity. The Board have the following listed Office Bearers:

(a) President

(b) Vice-president

(c) Secretary

(d) Treasurer

The Office Bearers are elected by ballot each year by and from the members of the Board, at a meeting which is held immediately following adjournment of the annual general meeting of Samity members. The Samity Board may provide for such other officers as may be determined necessary from time to time.



Each person listed and declared to be a Director in the Application for Registration form becomes the first Directors of the Samity Board and serves and holds office until the first annual general meeting of the Samity members or until their successor(s) have been elected and qualified as per Samity adopted Bye-Laws.



Each Director is elected for a term of Three (3) years, PROVIDED THAT in the first election, one third of the total number of Directors named in the Application for Registration documents shall stand for election. The Samity Board designates the Elakas (areas within a Samity’s jurisdiction and service area of the Samity for the purpose of member representation and Director election) which are to hold elections for the positions of Director, by selecting those Elakas which have the highest number of connected Samity members. No Elaka shall elect a Director unless minimum of one hundred (100) members are at the time of election receiving electric service. Prior to holding the second annual general meeting of Samity members, another one third of the remaining two-third of the originally named Directors, shall stand for election, based upon the same method and principles as hereinabove written. Preceding the third annual general meeting of the Samity members, the remaining one third of the Directors named in the Application for Registration shall stand for election from the remaining Elakas. Each Director shall be elected by and from the membership of an Elaka, the number and area of which shall be defined in the Samity Bye-Laws submitted for registration purposes.



The Samity Board in addition to other duties and responsibilities as prescribed within these Bye-Laws performs or cause to perform the following functions:

1. Generate, produce, manufacture, purchase, acquire, accumulate and transmit electric power and energy, and to distribute, sell, supply and dispose of electric power and energy to the Samity members, to Governmental agencies and others;

2. Administer and guide the business and affairs of the Samity;

3. Formulate plans, adopt policies, promulgate rules and Bye-Laws for the management, operations and conduct of the business affairs of a Samity;

4. Fix retail rate charges for sale of electricity, subject to approval by the Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board;

5. On behalf of the Samity, execute agreements, contracts, deeds and other legal documents with the Bangladesh Power Development Board, Autonomous or Semi-autonomous bodies, any person, organization or other bodies as deemed necessary and expedient, unless such powers have been reserved by the Bye-Laws of the Samity which assigned or delegated such powers to any other person.



Each Samity Board nominates and appoints from among the female populous of the Samity, a maximum of three (3) women who assist and advice the samity Board with reference to the concerns, desires and viewpoint of the female members of a Samity. Appointment of the said Lady Directors is accomplished during the Board meeting which is to be held immediately following adjournment of the annual general meeting of the Samity members. The appointee(s) are known as “Lady Director” and are accorded the same courtesies and respect as any Director and sit with the Samity Board in it's meeting the right to vote on any question placed to the Samity Board. The Lady Directors serve for a period of three (3) years from the date of appointment or until the first meeting of the Samity Board following the next succeeding annual meeting of the members, or until such time a successor has been appointed.